Where were you when you first heard your favourite record of '09?
In a year where Animal Collective and Wild Beasts swapped around the top 3 regularly and I still to this day have difficulty picking a favourite, I suppose it has to go to The Horrors, despite its flaws, just for the surprise factor, the impact it had so:
In my Dad's study during Easter term. He has nice speakers so when he was out at work I'd go into his room, revise in there but listen to music loud. Putting on Primary Colours for the first time and hearing it sound so lush and rich almost certainly helped cement it in my mind, and there were a couple of times when I saying out loud "fuck me, this is amazing"; Scarlet Fields especially. I was really into it from the off, it just sounded so deep, bold and powerful.
By the closing one-two of Primary Colours and Sea Within A Sea I had sacked working off entirely just to finish it off. Brilliant.