Looking for gig reviewers - London/Reading
We were looking for a gig reviewer(s) for any of our gigs in the coming months.
The next 2 are...
Thurs 28th Jan: Minotaur Shock + AK/DK + Worship at The Rest Is Noise, Brixton - free entry
Sat 30th Jan: Eddy Temple-Morris (XFM) + Losers + MidiMidis at The Oakford Social Club, Reading - free entry before 9 pm. After £4/£3 NUS/£2 regulars card.
Please see our myspace for Feb dates
Now we're not able to pay anyone and most of our gigs are free entry (apart from the 30th but we would put you on the guestlist). We will buy you some beers though.
Please get in touch, if your interested.