DiS' Song of the Day(/Decade) #5: M83 'Don't Save Us from the Flames'
Each Friday I thought I'd highlight a song of the decade as one of my songs of the day. This is somewhat later than planned due to being out in meetings all day but here goes...
'Don't Save Us from the Flames' by M83
From the off, with that tumbling opening drum-roll, this is an overblown voyage through sound and space. However, I don't mean 'overblown' in a bad way, I mean it in the exact way I came up with the name Drowned in Sound - that sense of being totally submerged/immersed (in sound waves) and pummelled by the music. 'Don't Save Us...' is a song I could happily crawl inside and die.
The whirling dur-nurr-nurr that gives way to the flat ding-ding-ding guitars, the ridiculous reverb, the star-smashed syths; everything about it is so grand it should be utterly hateful but only a soulless denier of pleasure could possibly hate something so spectacular. Probably. I dunno, maybe it's just me because I've listened to this song so much and every-time the rush of drums hit, it's like a double expresso and adrenaline injection in my heart. Sometimes I daydream that in some parallel universe this song is an end of the night floor-filler. Or possibly a national anthem for some beautiful kingdom.
It's from the album Before the Dawn Heals Us (reviewed: ) which was released via Mute/Labels/Gooom back in 2005. I chose this song because I made a "Widescreen Morning Songs" playlist, for no reason in particular, so if you want something to listen to when you commute, have a listen
DiS' song of the day Spotify playlist:
DiS artist profile:
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