Song of the Day #2: YEASAYER 'Ambling Alp'
New year, new feature... see yesterday's to find out what's occurrin'
YEASAYER 'Ambling Alp'
"Stick up for yourself son, ne'ermind what anyone else done" - it's, like, self-help in some back room with Prince's Purple Rain gone neon. I didn't fall in love All Hour Cymbals like the rest of the DiS staff, it just seemed on a few cursory listens like a world music concept album by a bunch of hipsters, with little charm or imaginative inflection. Then, last November something happened, I saw the video and BLAM my heart was hijacked and the aforementioned chorus hook, took. In fact, ridding my mind of that kid toy doo-doo noise has become impossible. 'Ambling Alp' has become a bit of an infection in my thoughts, incessantly jostling to the fore like Kylie's 'Spinning Around' or "under my umbrella, 'ella, 'ella, hey, hey..."
That said, the forthcoming album Odd Blood (due Feb 8th via Mute/Secretly Canadian) probably isn't a 'pop' album but it sure has a lot to live upto but I have a feeling that if this song is some kinda manifesto, it's v.likely to be one of the albums of the year.
Song of the Day Spotify playlist:
Thoughts? Marks out of 10?