A beginners guide to Dj-ing, set-ups and equipment - advice?
I've checked some very helpful threads on here about equipment, decks and got lots of nuggets of info, but am trying to establish an ideal set-up. (I'm a total novice by the way)
I'm thinking I'd be using stuff for house/electro, with maybe other indie djing on the side.
Technics are apparently beasts, so I've looked into getting a second hand pair on ebay, 1210's are very reasonably priced right now. BUT, I'm debating whether I want to go the 'laptop/electronic' instead. I know the sound quality of vinyl is far superior - currently I own very little - though I've got that romantic view of spending Saturday afternoon's scouring musty vinyl stores looking for finds.
I'm just concerned that having a vinyl only set-up won't satisfy - like I might want to create remixes myself on a laptop, and how I'd manage to play them? Or am I getting into the world of production here, and I should keep the 2 separate?
Like, with a pair of decks, you can only work with the 2 tracks playing in front of you - but with music software you can add layers, drums etc to exactly how you please. Though maybe I'm getting far too ahead of myself, since I can currently do squat as it stands.
I've heard a lot about Tractor, and this fella, allowing to mix mp3's:
Anyway, enough aimless rambling - any thoughts on set-ups or anything dj related would be hugely appreciated. It's just the first step that's the toughest...