Albums I've listened to once and don't want to listen to again
Apologies if any of this will be covered in more detail by kiK's Top 50 but I need considerable motivation to play these albums again having waited patiently, bought the CD like a mug and discovered that:
Part Chimp's 'Thriller' is utter shite. Before I get verbally assaulted by their fans I have seen them live more than most bands and I have all their other albums, which I love dearly. But Thriller is tuneless even by their own standards and criminally, half-arsed.
Brand New's 'Daisy'. The Devil and God are raging inside me was genius - and then why the follow up is so bad is incomprehensible. Worse still given that all the relevant magazines gushed over it, and for the life of me I can't see why.
Muse - The Resistance. Again I love everything else they've done up to now, although 'Black Holes...' was their weakest album by far, but not any more!. Strip away all the grandiose nonsense and faux-classical facade and the majority of this album is pure filler. And the French Horn bit is hideous. any of these three albums repay listening or are they as bad as I fear?