Why do good bands have to torture me by only playing over 18s?
OK, so you more mature members of the audience might not like little 16 year old pricks like me ruining their night out and there is the chance that we'll get paraletic and have the bars license removed but I really love music, have cherised ever all ages nights I've been too and feel that i'm missing opportunitys to see some of my favourites bands that I might never get to see again. Anyway I live in Glasgow, are these bars and clubs like King Tuts, Captains rest or nice & sleazy for instance all that strict, I mean I look 16 but if I brought along some 'ID' would I have a chance of getting in?
Yeah, I know you don't want inexperienced adolscents whinning on but you must remember how it was at this age? Can anyone empathize with me?