what should my band do next?
Dont get me wrong, we're not exactly on the cusp of stardom but feel that next year is the year we really push what we're doing.
We've done about 40 gigs, played Nottingham, London, Manchester. Birmingham, Bristol soon. We always get a proper good reception.
We write quite alot and have some solid new material banked.
We all work so can put a bit of money into what we do. We cant go to London every week in the hope we get picked up so wondering where we should concentrate our fundage.
So, the options are;
- release a few singles
- keep working and release an album
- get some PR and tie it in with whatever release
- get a booking agent
- get a publisher
- own tour off the back of the releases
- try and get tour with biggish band
- do we self release or push for a label release what we've recorded?
I'm sure this comes across as brutally mercenary to some but we're just being realistic.
Any thoughts proper welcome!