Album lengths
What's your idea of an appropriate length for an album? What's too long or too short? IS there a "too long" and a "too short"? Or do you have no in-principle position on the question, preferring to treat it as a case-by-case matter? Which great albums do you think would be even better if they shed a couple of tracks? And are there any albums that you think would be improved if they were LONGER?
And are we talking length purely in terms of number of minutes, or is there a separate weight given to the sheer number of tracks (such that, say, a 70 minute album of 5 tracks is fine, but a 30 minute album of 16 tracks is not, or vice versa)?
Finally, is your preference regarding the length of an album purely an aesthetic matter (i.e. the nature of music, or the music on this album, means that it's best if it's this length rather than that), or is it, like mine, influenced as much by practical considerations as anything else (e.g. by the length of your commute, or by the amount of time you have to sit and listen to albums)?
(And is that too many questions?)