Mimas - free entry gig in Sheffield (a bit of a JAG)
I got the 2008 album 'The Worries' after a thread on these boards, and they have also featured on the BSM Showcase album. I really like them.
"Uplifting, layered beauty like Jeff Buckley fronting Sigur Ros."
Anyway, I've just been reminded that Mimas are about to go on tour in the UK.
Oct 9th Norwich The Arts Centre
Oct 10th Leeds Royal Park Cellars
Oct 11th Glasgow The Captain's Rest
Oct 12th York City Screen Bar
Oct 13th Sheffield The Red House
I'm trying to get out of something so that I can get to the Sheffield gig.
The Sheffield gig is apparently free entry. I also gather Mimas should have finished by 10.30 so people can get transport. Line up also includes Shapes & Wot Gorilla.
Anybody else going to any of these shows, or seen them this year? They played Rapturefest 3 in Reading in August.
(forgive me if this has been done already)
PS I can't find the review of The Worries on DiS, it seems to have fallen off the site or something.