Fuck Buttons@ Manchester Deaf Institute
To loosely paraphrase a quote oft used in the early 90's by the NME , when concerning Oasis (well we are in Manchester tonight after all), "if Fuck Buttons didn't already exist, it's unlikely anyone would think to invent them". You wouldn't associate a two-piece duo dealing in rainbow-kissed, toy instrument-created, drone music, with a runner-up spot in The Guardian's Album of 2008 awards; let alone think them bearers of plaudits from hip-Dads' favourite Uncut Magazine. Yet Andrew Hung and Benjamin John Power have been the recipients of a quite astonishing amount of widespread good will, when put in to context with their brazenly reticent ambient brainstorms. That's what our generation's delightful gift to music culture- the blogosphere- provides for groups like Fuck Buttons though; an unexpected push into the wider conscious on the wave of a flurry of Blog good will (Blogwill?). The zeitgeist has been wrested from the hands of the professional hacks; it's the bloggers who are the new tastemakers now.
Or that's how it would seem in black and white. In reality, as with most things, it's a little more complicated than that, and tonight's crowd is certainly an attest to this. As many Guardian/Uncut readers- who give the distinct the impression that they're here just because they feel they ought to be- are in attendance as there are scenesters that'd turn up to anything at the Deaf Institute if it meant that, well, they could tell people they were watching "*insert act name* at the Deaf Institute last night". As such, genuine fans of the group seem to be in the minority; the wonderfully decorated Victorian ballroom-cum-venue not so much bristling with anticipation, more furrowed with investigation. Unfortunate really, because the Bristol duo's new soundscapes are meant for moving to. No really.