Radio online or otherwise - which shows/stations do you like?
I'm just listening to theQuietus' show for Diesel ( and wondered what else is out there online? It's an interesting listen and makes me really sad for the days John and Luke would crank wonderful and weird music from the office stereo.
Can't say online radio has ever been particularly great when I've checked it out in the past. I know the main problem is the dumbass royalty rates.
Oh and in rather related news, I'm just putting together a DiS radio show for which is really good concept (very dancey on there, jimi will love it), as sadly we can't do a podcast, as i've said many times before, can't carry on (despite how successful it was) due to 3p per track per download royalty (half mechanical royalty, half performance), which may sound teeny but times that by 20 tracks, and several thousand listeners, per week and you can imagine what the bill might be like.
Anyway, yeah, so which radio shows, online or on proper radio do you listen to regularly and enjoy?
[insert hatred for george lamb and love for lamacq and tom robinson as you see fit]