Thoughts on... / DiS Editor Moans About Some New Bands Wot Other People Seem to Like
Just checking a few bands out out again as the Twitterarti (read also: lotsa journos and influential indie folks whose opinions I digest) seem to really love them and curious what you all of think of...
Music Go Music
They kinda rub me up the wrong way, in the same twirly way Pipettes and VV Brown do with their brown vintage shop leafy smulchy smelling bleurgh.
The Drums
I'm perplexed by the reaction to this lot. They essentially sound like New Rhodes (and in my opinion, not as good but will probably be just as unsuccessful - sadly, as I had quite a soft spot for them), in that they're a Strokes facsimile but the polish is a bit more lofi Brooklyn scuffed. I really can't get excited about them, despite DiScover Ed Rob and a few other people's love for 'em. In fact, any lofi band should fuck off and their pr people should really learn that my liking of Radio Dept., No Age and Panda Bear doesn't mean I'm gonna like anything that sounds like a more detuned, melody-less version of it.
Anything else 'so hot right now' that people think I should check out?
In other moany news, The Glitterarti are somehow back? HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY STILL GOIN?