An 'album of the decade' discussion
No such award or honour exists of course but I've seen a fair few articles, editorials and discussions on the topic in the last few weeks and they're only going to pop up more and more in the coming months.
I'm sure we could all argue to the cows come home about what are favourite album of the past decade is and never really come to any sort of consensus so what I wondered more is what record do you think had the most pervasive impact/success, in relative terms.
It's nowhere near my favourite record, love it though I do, but I genuinely think it's got to be Give Up by The Postal Service. 5 years after it's release and it's one of those records that kids getting into indie/emo/alternative music are quickly told they have to investigate. I wouldn't argue that it's necessarily as good as something like Pinkerton or Daydream Nation but it seems to me to have gained that same must-hear status among fledgling indie (in the broadest sense) music fans and I can't see that changing for a long time.
What do you lot think?