Rank The Beatles' albums
At midday I started I Saw Her Standing There. At 10:44 I finished Get Back.
Having listened to all 13 albums back-to-back (and now going through their excellent Mono Masters double CD of standalone singles), I'm in the mood to rank. So here goes:
Rubber Soul
Abbey Road
Sgt Pepper's
Magical Mystery Tour
Let It Be
With The Beatles
A Hard Day's Night
Please Please Me
The Beatles
Beatles For Sale
Yellow Submarine (I enjoyed the orchestral second half loads but it's a fucking lazy record from the band)
I know it seems crazy putting the White Album so low but it was a point where I was majorly flagging in both energy levels and interest; though it has maybe 10-15 good to excellent songs, as an overall package I find it too scattershot and meandering. I'm sure repeat listens will procure some gems but on the basis of this start-to-finish chronological session, it just didn't do it for me.
So, over to you.