Mercury Judges
Okay, hands up, I admit we're all probably bored of threads about the Mercurys ... saying that I felt this probably deserved its own thread ... the judges are as follows:
Janice Long
Former BBC Radio 1 DJ, now of Radio 2.
Charles Hazelwood
Noted British Classical Music conductor.
Jude Rogers
Guardian music columnist and current NME writer.
Arwa Haider
Metro newspaper music critic.
George Ergatoudis
Head of Music, BBC Radio 1.
Conor McNicholas
Former editor of NME. Now editor of Top Gear magazine.
Mike Flynn
Jazz editor, Time Out magazine.
John Kennedy
DJ and presenter of X-Posure new music show on XFM.
Mark Findlay
Head of music, Global Radio.
Dean Jackson
DJ BBC Radio Nottingham.