Dream line-ups for a potential future ATP Japan
After reading flavorpill's interview with Barry Hogan (, I've been thinking about his comments about a potential future ATP Japan:
"FP: Are there any plans to expand ATP further into different countries?
BH: Yeah, I’d love to go to Japan. We go there out on holidays and stuff, but trying to find the right site is difficult. I would rather wait until we find somewhere than just rush into it and do it. We found a couple of spots, so we’re going to try to pursue them. If that comes off then yeah, Japan would probably be the most logical place to go next."
This sounds like a fantastic idea to me. So if they did do an ATP Japan, what local bands would you guys like to see*?
(*Of course, the line-up wouldn't be made up only of Japanese bands but otherwise this would just be another dream ATP line-ups thread!)
Hopefully we'd get some ATP favourites like Boris, Mono, Melt Banana, Afrirampo, Boredoms (possible curators?), Merzbow etc.
I'd also love to see some bands that should have played ATP but haven't yet -- Guitar Wolf, Polysics, Flower Travellin Band etc.
What bands would you like to see?