The first in a new series; put the tracks of the chosen album in order from best to worst and add comments if you wish - #1 Muse - Black Holes & Revelations.
I'll start by saying that my first choice was going to be Origin of Symmetry, it's an album I dearly love and something that would have a definite order of greatness (for me anyway) but this in a nutshell is the reason I decided against it.
Black Holes & Revelations should prove to be quite an interesting one and with the new Muse album being released soon I thought it would be a fitting opener to this series. There are some genuinely great tracks and at least a couple of amazingly shit ones, lets see how this turns out then.
Please note: I'm not going to bother starting any threads in this series about albums which I consider too obscure, there needs to be the opportunity for a decent number of people to reply, that way it stays interesting (I hope). I might even provide details of the overall average if we get enough replies.
Here's my list...
01. Assassin
02. Map of the Problematique
03. Supermassive Black Hole
04. City of Delusion
05. Exo-Politics
06. Hoodoo
07. Invincible
08. Soldier's Poem
09. Knights of Cydonia
10. Starlight
11. Take A Bow
Right, that's me done. I can't believe those last 3 songs even exist, they're utter wank. Knights is just about ridiculous enough to promote it above the other two, at least I can see the appeal (and it did have a really cool video). Starlight sounds like Keane, which is surely the worst insult that can potentially be thrown at a song. Take A Bow is a nothing track, it goes absolutely nowhere and I can't understand why anyone would find it a stimulating listening experience. The fact it's the album opener probably highlights how poor it is and maybe that's skewed my judgement somewhat, who knows.
Soldier's Poem is passable and quite pleasant but not very interesting, I can't decide whether Invincible is brilliant or awful, it seems to depend completely on my mood.
The rest of the album is at least quite good, Assassin is one of the best things Muse have ever written and that drumming is so awesome :) - I'm going to leave the comments there, I could elaborate further but it's probably time to pass the baton.
You don't have to write anything except the list if you don't want to but any comments or explanations will be appreiciated.