Is it a conscious effort by DiS reviewers to place themselves at the centre of articles?
It does seem to be the case that in reviews on this website writers refer back to themselves and their own experiences an awful awful lot. Now, I do understand that reaction to music is a personal thing and that writers expressing their own personal opinions is what a review is all about, but it's a bit much for me sometimes.
I'm sure the writers lead interesting, exciting lives and all that but, to be frank, they're none of them Hunter Thompson and as subjects they certainly aren't more interesting than the music they are writing about. More than once whiling reading a review I have felt that the writer has overestimated the importance of their own character to the article. I know that by reading their reviews I am actively seeking their opinion so I can't complain about the way it is presented, but I can't help but think that a bit of detachment, a la maybe Pitchfork (ducks), might be a nice thing.
Still, lovely website and all.