who wants to start a band with me (2nd attempt)?
Sorry, this is a re-post from yesterdays thread on the social board which got hijacked by team jokes. so here goes again...
I NEED to start a new band. I play bass and sing and write songs and I live in london. I'd like a band with maybe 4/5/6 people - I'm open to suggestions and different instruments.
I like lots of different stuff, so I dont really have any pre-conceived ideas about what the band should/will sound like, as long as it isnt very twee. I am interested in rhythm and song structure and noise a la talking heads/maccabees/radiohead/sonic youth amongst many millions of other artists. I've put some very rough demos up on BEBO, I can send you the link via PM if you'd like to hear them.
Anyone thats vaguely interested, please try and ignore the inevitable re-posted injokes from yesterday and any comments about how rubbish my last band were. pm me if you're shy. And the comdians who ruined yesterdays thread: please please PLEASE try not to type anything in here today.
"I know there's a musicians board, but fuck that shit."