New black metal
or new to me anyway. What else is good that's been out in the last few months? Recommendations please.
I just got these:
Necrofrost- Blackeon Lightharvest
Aluk Todolo- Finsternis
The new Blut Aus Nord
The new Drudkh
The new Peste Noire
All awesome (though I haven't listened to the Peste Noire yet). Aluk Todolo is like super-hypnotic pounding drums with loads of guitar textures and/or low-end buzz. A bit like slowed down black-metal with slow drums and no vocals, and the odd bit of freak-out heaviness. Their page describes them as Burzum meets This Heat or something.
The Blut Aus Nord is superb. It's like they've gone all melodic or something, or maybe I'm just getting better at picking out the tunes. But still well heavy. The new Bon Jovi for sure. Why does all their merch look so crappily nu-metal?