Would you describe your music tastes as particular and fussy or wide and accomodating?
Let's be fair, most of us find ourselves thinking we have both sensibilities when in different company, so I would like to make it more concrete. Are you the sort of person who has developed a focused pallet for music where you are quite picky these days about what does it for you, or are you someone who has a huge appetite for music that spans a lot of genres, styles and that you can you take your commercial and your indie with equal love?
You see, me and my best friend began listening to music properly (for want of a better word) around about the same time in life, but I think we have grown into two different sorts of music enthusiasts. My mate cannot abide commercial stuff and has turned his back on much of the music he used to love because he finds it dull and uninspiring now. I on the other hand, can easily listen to a very commercial record and a very indie one alternately.