Q2: DiS' 3 Month Stats
About 3 months ago I posted DiS User’s last FMs 3 month stats and said I would do it again in 3 months time. That time is now! I should have posted this Sunday afternoon, but my PC has been dead for 2 weeks – royal pain and its skewed the last weeks of these stats because I have had to listen to vinyl and cd only! Oh no!!
Here is what happened in the past so you can get reacquainted:
Initial request post on DiS:
DIS Replies -
I hope everyone who did it last time is up for it again and it would be even better if more people got on it too. There’s 1228 members on the DiS’ Last FM group and 175 friends on the DiS user page – someone between those numbers would be nice!
Last time some of you only gave me 19 artists (some even less!) Can you make sure you count them up right? Thanks.
So, enough preambling. Please can I have the Top 20 from your 3 Month Artist charts.
Here are mine.
01. Thee Oh Sees - 94
02. Engineers - 83
03. Hexlove - 80
04. The Horrors - 73
05. Magic Wands - 72
06. Zeigenbock Kopf - 71
06. The Flowers of Hell - 71
08. Oneida - 63
09. Future of the Left - 62
09. Night Control - 62
11. Bone Awl - 61
11. Cobalt - 61
13. Bon Iver - 60
13. Coachwhips - 60
15. Sunset Rubdown - 59
16. Ilyas Ahmed - 58
16. Phoenix - 58
18. Horse Feathers - 55
19. A Mountain Of One - 51
19. Carrion Wraith - 51
Any questions?
Bring it.