Spotify game
Here's the premise... you give us a spotify link and people listen to it, replying beneath with a score of 0 to 9. Hopefully we could get more than one score for each link and then average them out.
The scoring works as thus.....
Preferability x Familiarity = Score
Preferability scale goes:
0 - Don't like it, average, mediocre
1 - Like it, good
2 - Like it a lot, great
3 - Love it, classic
1 - I am very familar with this track
2 - I am fairly familiar with this track but am pleased it has been brought to my attention again
3 - I have never heard this track before.
So a track you don't like will always be given a 0... a classic track that you know will get a 3... but a classic track you have never heard will get a coveted 9 score. Ergo, the greatest incentive is to post an obscure classic you're keeping to yourself. Simple.