My mates band played tonight btween the most pompous emo shit bands ever. We were on a trading estate for fucks sake and because the other two bands had toured (to no one at a loss) they thought they were ace!
Came to a head when they played and me and my mate laughed our tits off at their drummer who was doing these MTV video drummer moves. Stick in the air, between every hit. Fair enough if he was good but he couldnt even get the drum rolls right, everything was out. Nice white vest tho.
So after they played they wanted they "have a word" with my mate. We were pissing ourselves. The agro we might get from percy emo. The best thing was, the rest of the band didnt even bother backing him up.
The conversation they had was genius! Basically he asked about laughing at his acting/drumming then he said his MOM had over heard me and my mate saying they were shit.
To back it up he rang his mom (who had left) and put my mate on the phone to her. He was pissing himself laughing, to his credit my mate is a gent. He wasn't rude.
WTF is going on where a bloke in his mid 20's is pulling his parents in to save him from being upset by the truth.
Anyone else had anything as embarassing? BTW the band are called Sienna. Nice! Lovely lads.