Wonky/Aquacrunk/Ketamine/Glitch Hop/Post Dilla Action
Whatever terrible name you wanna call it, unquantised beats, colourful synths malfunctioning hip hop sounding stuff.. its pretty much the best thing in the world to me right now. This article's a fairly decent primer to the general aesthetic (I posted it a week or so ago but it demands a repost)
Some stuff I've really been digging recently
Rustie - Bad Science
Absolutely kills it when that synth line comes in, its like a Timbaland track falling over itself. Feel like Rustie's been kinda pushed into the background whilst Hudson Mo comes to prominence, but I'm still really keen to see where he goes/what he does, he's got a pretty distinctive gurgly thing going on. His remixes are the tits too, the Modeselektor and Zomby ones are incredible.
Slugabed - Gritsalt/Let's Go Swimming
No audio on these here but the rest is dope anyway. Guy's got some serious bass power going on in his tracks. Really cool and playful, good use of 8 bit synths. Is it me or is this movement the only one who can use 8 bit sounds without sounding really shit/crass/tasteless? Anyway, I dig the end of Gritsalt where he goes for this silly wonky bassline beat after the utter undanceability of the rest of the track, good vibes/sense of humour, cool producer.
Dorian Concept - When Planets Explode
This is kinda cool, Skwee x Flying Lotus = Dorian Concept? Sweet ass synths and broken drumbeats that sort of fall over each other until they make sense. Still listening to this album a bit, but the first half is sweet
Ras G & The Afrikan Space Program - Brotha From Anotha Planet
If you like Flying Lotus you'll probably dig this a lot. He's pretty much cut from the exact same cloth, FlyLo's put him out on Brainfeeder, the album's quite relaxed and trippy. Really ambient, scattered drum beats, just subtle synth lines and samples, s'cool.
Zomby - Zomby EP
goes without saying, haven't stopped listening to this since it came out last year. so many little subtle things going on all over the place, i love how he turns so many conventions on their heads; the rave horn in the least rave like track ever, the build ups to nonexistent drops. just re-contextualises everything he samples in this gloopy, 8 bit mess (i mean that in the best possible way). genuinely think he has the potential to go down as one of the "legendary" producers
i'd say something about paul white and bullion but written a lot anyway. so yeah, thoughts? other stuff? i bet jimi and disintegration will have some sweet recomendations