Fancy writing reviews for a site?
Hi all
We run a music review site and we're currently looking to add to our team of writers, currently numbering around a dozen.
We're non profit making so we can't pay you anything but we hope that your motivation is the love of good music and telling others about it. You will get the occasional promo CD or gig ticket for review purposes but hopefully that won't be why you're keen to join us. Previous experience is not essential but good taste is. We tend to cover music that might be labelled indie, nu-folk, alt-country, Americana or electronica and hang around venues like the Windmill and Borderline. We're less childish and fad obsessed than the NME, less po-faced than Mojo or Uncut. If you remember Vox back in the day you'll be closer to where we are.
If you're interested contact
Many thanks for your time.
co-editor SoundsXP