Will Glastonbury ever go back to how it was?
I don't mean this in a 'things aren't like they used to be!' nostalgiafest way.
But will it ever stop selling all 180,000,000 tickets and appealling to as many people?
I know a lot of people used to go in the old days but it was always looked upon by the general public as a pretty strange thing to do. Now, I'd say almost everyone I know between 18-30 has some festival plan this summer and a lot of them are going to Glasto.
I thought that last year was the beginning of the end of the masses. The fact so many of the tickets were still left over made me think that maybe people were getting bored of it - but now it's right back to selling out.
I'd really like for it to eventually become more easy-going. Not having to wake up at 7am on a Sunday morning and race to get a ticket, but just be able to lightly decide on going. And when you get there, not being surrounded by what seems like infinite people.
In a nutshell - will it ever go back to being an alternative summer choice, or is Joe Public gonna carry on going to Glastonbury til he's too old?