DiS Album Of The Week [21st June - 28th June] As Chosen by: Justanothershelldz
Artist: De Rosa
Album: Mend
Chosen By: Justanothershelldz Review:
The debut album by Scottish indie trio De Rosa (released on the Delgados' Chemikal Underground label, providing instant street cred) opens with a blast of guitar noise that suggests heavy-sledding post-rock artsiness to come. But nearly as quickly as it began, the atonal howl of the introduction is replaced by the straightforward, nervy indie rock of "Father's Eyes." Bursts of abstract noise occasionally pierce the songs, like the Sonic Youth-style howl of feedback that bisects the rattling post-punk rant "Camera" and the out-of-nowhere detuned percussion thwacks and broken-glass sounds at the climax of "All Saint's Day." On the whole, however, Mend is at heart a fairly traditional indie guitar album anchored by Martin John Henry's better than average vocals and the solid interplay of the three musicians. Henry resolutely avoids the pained falsetto, à la the Flaming Lips' Wayne Coyne, that so many similar bands have turned into an indie cliché; even on the largely acoustic, folk-influenced "Hopes and Little Jokes," he stays with an intimate conversational style that helps put across his fairly opaque lyrics. Although not conventionally hooky, the songs imprint themselves after only a couple of listens, making Mend one of the more intriguing U.K. indie debuts of 2006.
Listening to it for the first time now, and I say YAY! Strange timing that it coinsides with the week the band actually disbanded (they broke up the other day) hmmmmm spoooky (I can assure you, this is at the same spot it always has been at and no twinkering has been done)
Anyways, links!
Spotify: (which is handy as it wasnt here the other week if I remember correctly)
So again, its ony both so the is NO excuse not to listen to this
PS next weeks may be a day late, I have Glastonbury to attend :)