Political Revolution vs Technological Revolution - DiScuss (although, before anyone says this is a bit thing, this has been edited down somewhat due to wordcount to fit into today's Sunday Times)
Plus some additional questions:
- why do bands shy away from having an opinion?
- why, when you can record and upload a song in an instant, don't more bands write songs in reaction to current events and post them online, rather than wait 3months to get into a studio to record it, then another 3months for their record to fall into the release cycle?
- is the delay between reaction and release one of the reasons music seems so apathetic at the moment?
- or is it more because there's so much wrong with the world that people can't choose one thing to be for, rather than against?
- what are your top political songs? Especially of the Noughties
- what are your favourite songs/albums of the internet/technological revolution?