Three Trapped Tigers - 7
So. I was lying in bed thinking about this song last night, something I really didn't expect as I'd been writing something earlier in the day about how this was the least melodic thing TTT have released to date. I guess my assessment hadn't accounted for all the hooks, of which there are plenty.
What you have here is music as fun (keyword: FUN) as anything Squarepusher put out in the prankster-ish days that he sadly seems to have put behind him. But TTT will always have one-up on one-man IDM outfits anyway, as I would argue that one of their secret weapons is the ability to harness the excitement of hearing people in a room playing music together. You are never in any doubt when listening to '7' that you are listening to live electronic music. And there are still only a handful of bands out there capable of this.
Another of their secret weapons is their capacity for both face-melting ferocity and heartbreaking gentleness. They go easy on the gentleness here (ha!), but some of Matt Calvert's pretty, harmonic-laden guitar work has clearly been informed by Typewritten his (excellent, by the way) acoustic project.
But it's the Vesuvian moments that stayed with me. I first heard '7' properly walking to the shops. At the 3:37 point, I literally (and quite involuntarily) stopped in the middle of the street.
I am very, very glad that this band exists and can't wait to see where they take their music.
Who's with me?