preamp help?
I was wondering if any guitar geeks/engineers here could help me out...
i recently bought a dead nice fishman pick up for my violin to replace the $9 one i've had for the past few years...anyway the manual reckons it'll sound loads better with a preamp and they suggest an expensive fishman thing, which i can't really afford...
I don't use an amp for my violin, it goes straight into the PA, perhaps via a few pedals now and then...
the manual says this..
"The V-200 Professional can also be plugged into inputs as low as 1 M? with
adequate results; the bass frequencies will be slightly rolled off.
We strongly recommend using a 10 M?, impedance matching, buffered preamp in
conjunction with the pickup.
Direct Boxes
You can plug the V-200 Professional into an "active" direct box (1 M? to 10 M?
input) with very good results. Using a passive direct box will sound weak and thin.
PA / Recording Consoles
Professional PA and recording consoles have a much lower input impedance than
what is acceptable for the V-200 Professional ; you will need an impedance matching
preamp. Plugging a passive piezo pickup into a mixer without an impedance
matching preamp will sound harsh and thin."
any suggestions would be ace!