Selling rare (ish) records advice please
Hi team,
Most of my records aren't anything special, but in an idle eBay taparound I've found that my copies of Hot Fuss (limited edition blue) and Relationship of Command both go for about £40 - 50. They're both something special in their own way, but I hardly ever listen to either and equally wouldn't feel any less about them on CD.
What do you think?
a) Do it - someone clearly wants it a lot more than you do and a hundred squid is not to be sniffed at.
b) Don't do it - you'll regret selling off your youth when you're old and £100 is dust in the wind.
c) Don't do it - keep them safe and they'll be worth a castle in years to come.
If c), please specify years and exact increase in value to the nearest pound.
Also, does anyone want to buy a big box (approx 300) of Marvel comics from the early-mid 90s? Mostly Spider-Man, Fantastic 4, X-Men and similar.