Manchester! 'Jumping Fences presents...' Dusty Songbook (Robin Bennett/Goldrush), Gabe Minnikin, and MARBLE KRUSHER
@Fuel, Withington // THIS FRIDAY // Free entry
I'm genuinely really excited about this, and will continually bump it FOREVER AND EVER until Friday.
It will be fun. If anyone brings CDs I will play them, as I only have a limited music collection at university (and no MP3 player). Free fun at that. And Fuel's become my favourite venue in Manchester in the last few Months, so :-D in general. There is a "suggested donation", but it's totally voluntary.
My friend Laura helped me do a "poster" for it, although it was only on A4, and the text got a bit pixellated, but I quite like it -
Any thoughts? I'm planning on jagging it mercilessly for the next three days..