Sonic Youth have a dig at Radiohead for In Rainbows release
Firstly: Yes, I know it's the NME, and yes, I am aware it's not a very good pulication.
Sonic Youth have seemingly had a pop at Radiohead for the "marketing ploy" used to release In Rainbows, and the way that it: "[made] everyone else look bad for not offering their music for whatever."
Admittedly, the NME have perhaps sensationalised it a bit, but why would they find the method of release such a problem? Are Radiohead big, nasty, bullies for thinking outside the box and making everyone else look bad? And if so, how do they sleep at night?
The thing that struck me about the article was the fact that Sonic Youth had, apparently, released an album exclusively through Starbucks.
"At that time, Starbucks were selling records when no one else was. The majors were throwing up their hands. The irony is, for all the spewing it caused on the blogs, it is our most rare record. I have never seen a copy in a store, and I've never met anyone who's seen a copy in a store." (Lee Ranaldo)
Correct me if I'm missing something, but is the moral of the story here not that using a new, innovative, way to release your record is bad, however, getting into bed with a multinational coffee company who, allegedly, support the Israeli military and have admitted charging ambulance workers $130 for a case of water on 9/11 perfectly fine? I know which one I think is more ethically dubious.