Going digital.... (£4 CD sale - several hundred) PART TWO
A little while ago I made a CD sales topic:
....which seemed to go alright. Now I've moved house, and finally gotten organised to do a part 2. I feel a bit like a dirty forum spammer making topics like this, but there's some good stuff on there and I'm selling pretty cheap, so maybe you'll forgive me?
As the previous topic said:
"I've decided - I'm going digital. It's all on my iPod, my harddrive, and my backup DVDs. Everything's covered. Besides, when I want to listen to music, I plug my iPod into my amp/speakers. I haven't listened to my CD player in months....more than that, I haven't even got a CD player.
Or, the real point of the thread: sales. Everything is £4, including postage. Hopefully that's reasonable. I've got plenty, and hopefully some stuff you'll agree is pretty worth it. Everything will be packaged safely, and posted as soon as possible. It's all mostly CDs, but I do have some records too. 'First come first served'. 'Get 'em while they're hot'.
I've got a Paypal account, but I'll take cash, cheque or first-born children as well. If you want to buy something, but would prefer to do it through eBay, then I have an account there too (with 100% positive feedback).
Interested parties can PM me here, or email danger[dot]nick[at]gmail[dot]com. That email is also my Paypal address.
Oh go on, I'm saving up to go abroad."
List in first post. Thanks everyone.