Juke aka footwork is a dance that originates in Chigago and the music that goes with it is so fucked up and raw its brilliant, it kind of sounds like a mad version of booty bass or ghetto tek and all that stuff but its loads stranger. Flying 808/909's at around 160 bpm and other elements from atmospheric strings and big bass just doing what the hell they like on top. Then cut up vocals all over the place, it might be a hard listen at first but some of it is just mesmerising, esspecialy in the vids with teh dancers. So I found a couple of videos links and mixes.
DJ Elmoe:
this is a dreamy deep medatative take on the sound
DJ Nate:
free dl of a quality track
Mix by Leatherface:
fuckin brilliant!
my fave vid so far:
there are loads of vids on ye'tube