CDs for sale
I'd been spring cleaning or something. Anyway, here's come CDs I no longer need for whatever reason. I'll sell em cheap, just PM me with offers.
0898 Dave - When The River Runs Dry We Die
Attack + Defend - Make (promo)
Belle & Sebastian - Storytelling
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Howl
Blindfold - s/t
Broadway Project Compassion - s/t (2 Disc version)
The Dears - No Cities Left & Protest EP (2 disc version)
Damien Rice - O
Dungen - Ta Det Lugnt
The Black Angels - Passover
The Fiery Furnaces - Gallowsbird's Bark
God is an Astronaut - All Is Violent, All Is Bright
Grand Drive - True Love and High Adventure
Jeniferever - Choose a Bright Morning
Keith - Red Thread
Kubb - Mother
Liam Frost & The Slowdown Family - Show Me How The Spectres Dance
Loney, Dear - Sologne
Martha Wainwright - s/t
Olvis - The Blue Sound
Ryan Adams - Gold
Shooting at Unarmed Men - Yes! Tinnitus!
Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun
The Paddingtons- First Comes First
The Shit - Lock Up Your Ghettoblasters
Tilly and the Wall - Wild Like Children
Various Artists - Best of Acoustic
Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly - I-Spy/Call Me Ishmael
Guillemots - We're Here
Jeremy Warmsley - I Believe In The Way You Move
The Electric Soft Parade - Lose Yr Frown
Battle - Back to Earth
Frank Turner - Campfire Punkrock