indie / dubstep / bass music corssover?
I sware there is something mad goin on at Planet Mu, by the looks of things they are goin to drop some kind of mad indie / bass music crossover remix project. It's not confirmed like, but Starkey hinted a project was happening last night that had something to do with Darkstar's cover version of Radioheads video tape (which is amazing and on their myspace I think) and others have said the cover version is being released on planet mu at some point. Then he goes and plays his own remix of Bon Iver! God knows what else is in store but its sounding ace at the moment and could well convert alot of indie lovers to the scene as they are acctualy good remixes as aposed to what bloc party do...
you can hear them both in Starkey's radio show last night:
Video Tape by Radiohead covered by Darkstar: