iTunes HELP....
ok, so i thought I was a bit of an Apple buff to be honest, turns out I'm not.
I bought a portable hard drive on Friday so I can transfer all my music off my MacBook. Done that ok, then in iTunes I changed the 'Advanced' setting of where the music is stored. THEN I dragged my music BACK into my library thus replacing my old data AND keeping all my Last Played, Play Count, Ratings, Playlists.....
but no. It duplicated everything.
Off i trot to see a 'Genius' at the Apple Store. He didnt really know what he was doing, i TOLD HIM that I wanted to keep Play Count etc.... ended up having to leave my Mac with him whilst he does it.
To my return, I find that he has done the complete opposite to what I have asked him, though I didn't realise until I got home.
I have managed to recover my ratings, I had to create all my smart playlists again, but the ONE THING that I want is the play count.
The .xml files has all this data in it, is there a way I can extract this data and add it to my library?