New 'Pay What You Like' Situationists EP
Thought this might interest a few people on here. I've copied in the label mail out below.
"As you probably know by now, Situationists have split, but luckily there's one final release for you to enjoy before they're gone for good.
Recorded and produced by Nick (what a talent!) in the first few months of 2009 at their own studio, Grazie Infinite completes the triptych of EPs we had planned from the start. Unfortunately, this record won't be seeing a physical release, so we've decided to "do a Radiohead" and offer a pay-what-you-like option. Put simply, if you choose to, you can download the four-track EP for free from this very site. Alternatively, if you deem it worthy, you can also contribute a small payment by clicking on the designated button and making a payment via Paypal.
Go here:
Hopefully you’ll enjoy the new songs and it would be fitting to send the band away with a little money for all their efforts. The artwork was once again designed by Ralph, who’s forging a real talent for design - get in contact with him through the band’s MySpace if you’d like him to do some work for you (please don't give up playing drums though, Ralph!)
1. Calluses
2. Old Silent Movie
3. Bag of Nerves
4. Somersaults
So, that’s that. Thanks Dan, Nick, Ralph and Sam (and Andy) for being awesome. It was only ever the best of times all of the time. Ah, bittersweet emotion! Please start making music again, thank you"