That Fucking Tank+Shield Your Eyes+Ice, Sea, Dead People + The Patio Set - 30 June
Scene not Herd and Patio Industries and proud to present a very special line-up of noisy bands from the heart of the UK DIY scene.
That Fucking Tank -
This show is That Fucking Tank’s only London date on their tour in support of new album ‘Tanknology’ (available in stores July 6 and online at now).
'Tanknology' is their second full-length album and brings together tracks written and performed live over the last two years. In this time That Fucking Tank's sound has developed from rawish math rock to incorporate more of the duo's influences from classic rock, to prog, to early techno whilst staying true to the minimal equipment (a baritone guitar tuned to play bass and guitar lines simultaneously through two amps, and a minimal drum set ) that instigated the band. Appearances at Leeds and Reading festivals in 2008 demonstrated an ability to connect with larger audiences outside of the avant-rock or underground music scene.
Shield Your Eyes -
Shield Your Eyes began in 2006 and has Tobias Hayes (formerly of semi-popular post hardcore band Meet Me In St Louis, Shoes and Socks Off and Strobe 45), Eddy Grimes a.k.a Henri George (Bottlenose Dolphins) and Stef Ketteringham (Strobe 45, Guns or Knives and Push to Fire)
Together they play music of the indescribable (note: unique) punky post-hardcore loud noisy beasty guitar riffs in melodic lo-fi beautiful ways with grinding time changes. Sometimes instrumental (like post rock on LSD) sometimes not (like grown men shouting at grown men & women liking being shouted at) in 3 minute sessions of bliss.
Their self-titled debut album was a great joy of 2008 and they’re currently finishing work on the follow-up to be released later this year.
Ice, Sea, Dead People -
Ice, Sea, Dead People are three child-men from London who are sick and tired of rock music that isn't. Inspired by art-rock and punk luminaries such as Fugazi, Liars, Erase Errata, Black Eyes, et al, the trio are more than content to punch through the ceiling of their peers to achieve an even more liberal approach to their explosive sound formed from sharp riffery, rhythmic foreplay and peaking with esoteric vocals. Everything is distorted, most of it is screamed and all of it is energetic.
The Patio Set -
Four young men from Medway who make loud music with funny rhythms and some loud music with normal rhythms and some quiet music that gets loud and then quiet again.
The Macbeth, 70 Hoxton Street, London | Tuesday 30 June | Doors 7.30 pm | £4 on the door