Alcopopular 3 - message in a bottle compilation
This looks pretty cool from Alcopop!
The 3rd part of their 'compilations released in non-standard formats' - first a 3" cd, secondly a cassette tape, and now a bottle with a treasure map, offering the following musical treats:
1. Tellison - Wasp's Nest
2. Apples - Theo
3. David Gibb - The Oxfordshire Brigade
4. Stars and Sons - In The Ocen (piano version)
5. Town Bike - Cock Muff Bum Hole
6. Pulled Apart By Horses - E=MC Hammer
7. Stagecoach - We Got Tazers
8. Paul Steel - Psychedelia Smith
9. Unicorn Kid - Nuts n' Milk
10. Arrows Of Love - Prescriptions
11. Ice King of California - I Wouldn't Want To Do That All
12. The October Game - Cast These Waves
13. The Computers - Track Four
All currently unreleased tracks, this is a gem for a fiver! Superb!
Link here to an article in Loud and Quiet, if interested....