6 Music is Getting Better / Goldheart Assembly/ Jarvis
Barring George Lamb, 6Music is genuinely getting better. Marc Riley shows have been consistently avoiding shit Indie for a few weeks in a row now, the Cerys Matthews guest slots have been really good, Huey Morgan's Sunday show was surprising good and even Lamacq has begun playing bands who actually write songs with melodies. Which brings me to Goldheart Assembly.
I've heard him mention them a few times and ignored it seeing as usually 9 out of 10 times he has no taste what so ever but then Cerys Matthews played them on her guest show on Sunday (Which despite sounding like University Radio) was actually a really strong show.
Then I heard them a few more times on various shows (they must be playlisted) and the song grew on me enough that I checked them out.
They're myspace has some fantastic songwriting on there and beautiful harmonies. (Totally the opposite of what Lamacq usually supports)
None of it strikes you instantly as being that great or different but after a few listens the song writing really starts to strike you.
I did a search on DIS for them but there was nothing apart from a couple of terrible street team posts. So I thought I'd be the first to properly recommend them.
They seem to have been branded by a few rubbish websites a the British Fleet Foxes and I am sure that like the Fleet Foxes in a year they will probably be everywhere and I'll be on here saying that I can't stand them and how boring they are but for now while they are still underground I would highly recommend giving them a listen if you like Midlake, Low Anthem, Flaming Lips etc
(I haven't seen them live yet so they may be a massive disappointment but the myspace tracks are great).
While I'm writing has anyone heard the new Jaris Cocker album? Not sure whether to buy it. It got a great review in Uncut who said it was a return to Pulp form and then it's be slaughtered everywhere else. Anyone heard it?