emusic - good/bad?
I'm thinking of stating up an emusic subscription but unsure and have seen some people on here use it so just want to get some opinions on it.
Generally I always prefer having a physical copy of something but looking at the subscription costs it seems to work out about £2 - £3 pound an album which is obviously a great deal and I would still be buying physical copies of my favorite stuff anyway. Money situation is really not good at the moment and this seems a good way to get a decent amount of music for minimal cost.
Also Spotify is pretty decent though I do like to 'own' the stuff I have so I can put it on my MP3 player or a CD for my car and just not be locked in to listening to it on my computer. Tho in regards to what's available on emusic from what I can tell there seems to be a pretty good selection but some things are missing, e.i. artist like Nick Cave, Pavement, Sonic Youth, Radiohead seem to be missing but they seem to have a lot of say Jesus Lizard, Thurston Moore, Sunn o))). Is it that a lot of the bigger artists are missing in general and it is aimed at more indie/alternative smaller bands?
Also how quick are new releases put on there? I noticed the new Jarvis album on their already but albums by Passion Pit, Maximo Park, Sunn o)))) etc aren't?
Do people find they usually have a lot of stuff they want or people are having to cater their tastes to what is on available?
Also I can't find any info of the MP3 quality or encoders or anything? Can anyone fill me in on this?
Anything else to add, good or bad? Should I at least give it a try or do people think it is a waste of money seeing as it seems you can pretty much download anything u want free of cost?