CDs for sale!
I know there's been a few of these lately but i'm having a bit of a clearout. Theres not loads, but if you're interested send me a PM.
They all play fine but some have slight scratches on cases:
Deerhunter - Microcastle / Wierd Era Continued £5
Bonnie Prince Billy - The Letting Go £4
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Greendale (with live DVD disc) £4
Glasvegas - Glasvegas £4
Bruce Springsteen - Magic £4
Gruff Rhys - Candylion £3
Film School - Film School £3
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club £3
Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang £3
The Casualties - On the Front Line £3
Travis - The Man Who £3
Oh and prices include postage.