Contributers wanted for popular music website 'Drowned In Sound'
HELLO. The website you see around you is called ‘Drowned In Sound’. It has had a few ‘issues’ over the last year, but is still read by vast numbers of people (I think it’s 300,000 and a bit individual readers a month), and there is reasonable confidence that various corners have been turned. We could do with it being WRITTEN by a few more people, most specifically album reviews and live reviews. Um, so if you’d be interested in doing that then please drop me an email at
Some sort of experience would be good, if not crucial – there’s no such thing as a DiS style (indeed we could probably do with a wee bit more Gonzo-age on these pages, truth be told), but grammar, sentence structure, spelling and medium grade wit are all Good Things That We Like. There is generally no pay, but there is being read by a lot of people, and also the chance to have judgement passed on you by the denizens of the boards.
Apologies if you’re contacted Sean in the past and he ignored you. He is a busy man, and also a sociopath.
PS I'll shove this in news in a bit. We have a new 'sticky' function installed that seemingly causes threads to self-destruct after five minutes. Good times. Somebody (haribo7989?) made a joke about Paul Morley when I last posted this, if you are worried you missed anything.