El Grupo Nuevo de Omar Rodriguez Lopez - Cryptomnesia I
Arrived today as an import from the States: take that, U.K. release date change!
So, yeah, what does everyone make of this? I've listened through it about 7 times now and thinking it's pretty damn sweet. I must say, Zach Hill's dexterity and talent is indisputable - the drumming is phenomenal! I admire Thomas Pridgen (TMV), but he does have a tendancy to be Animal-esque and just hit everything as quickly as possible to demonstrate that, y'know, he can. Whereas Hill seems to have more structure to the frantic sound of his drumming, without dipping his toes into the pool of ridiculousness.
On top of all that, the vocals are tremendous, the lyrics entertaining (and comprehensible!) and the whole release generally just fucking great!
Too early to tell, but this could just supercede DOOM on my 'album of 2009 thus far' list.
NB: Cryptomnesia II and Cryptomnesia III both due out relatively soon, too. And The Mars Volta's new album in a month. It's like Christmas in May / June.