Trouble Books European Tour!
Hi guys
Going out to our continental friends today. Trouble Books, , are soon going to be embarking on a European Tour. This is with their nice record label Own Records, www.ownrecords,com , who've just released their last album, The United Colours of Trouble Books, on CD. I sadly can't make any of the dates, though I'm toying with the idea of driving over to Luxembourg before to drop off some merch for them. Anyway I've still got hundreds of the Endless Pool EP's kicking round my room, so if you would like that lovely EP, just head on over to . Also I'm hoping to get them over for a week long tour of the UK in september so don't feel the pressing need off going all the way over to these gigs even though I'm sure they'd love it if you do happen to be in the area. Anyway dates are as follows. thanks
28 May Exit 07 Luxembourg City
29 May VPRO Session Amsterdam
29 May Hasenschaukel Hamburg
30 May Hans Wurst Berlin
31 May Wohnzimmer Dresden
1 Jun Cafe Video Gent
4 Jun Logement Antwerp
6 Jun Sala Cabanas Mataro
7 Jun Espacio Menosuno Madrid
8 Jun Cafè El Cercle Girona
10 Jun Sonic (Asso. Barbe à Pop) Lyon
11 Jun The Grand Wazoo Amiens