Dublin Duck Dispensary [JAG-ish]
This guy has put many releases on my little netlabel, just supported Wavves, HEALTH and Ariel Pink, and he's receiving a bit of love. You can grab all his stuff from for free, nada, nothing. Also, his new one (Yykes Basket) will be there in a few weeks. If you can't wait that long then you can pick up a tiny CD from him from the site (he gets all the money).
Here's what people have said about him....
"his music is a giddy bloody riot, bashed out with unabashed glee... if i had a womb i’d carry his skuzzy musical nuggets in there and squeeze them out mucus stained and squealing with the pain of non-vaginal birth every nine months. if i have one regret last year it’s that i didn’t provide alan mcghee or jimmy iovine with enough tugjobs to offer this dude a billion dollar record deal. curse you right hand, curse you." - Cows Are Just Food
"a thoughtfulness absent from most jangly guitar-wielding indie acts... pop songs stripped down to their purest, most unpretentious purpose of making the listener happy... 'Yykes Basket' is a strange, beguiling little cornucopia of styles and flourishes... [like] a homegrown In The Aeroplane Over The Sea" - Totally Dublin
"their charming noise-pop — which sounds like Ireland’s answer to Wavves — is kind of wonderful." - The Allmusic Blog
"Whacked-out, fuzzy pop brilliance... very weird, very wonderful... joyous, if a little unsettling" - Planet Sound
"...[DDD sounds] like a pop group broadcasting to the world from inside a futuristic steel cave... an evolved freak-folk universe... pure and weird delight." - AU
"you’ll greet each new DDD effort as another bold attempt to write the perfect underground anthem... tracks such as ‘Rabbit In A Hat’ could easily become an essential fixture on a thousand different mixtapes." - mp3hugger
"the noisiest, most fun racket you're likely to hear this year from a band/artist that doesn't have a name that rhymes with "paves"... Quick to pigeonhole music, one might say it's lo-fi and GBV-production-inspired, but we're 1000% content to just say it's fucking brilliant." - The Culture of Me
"Neither insipid C86 spine-free alterna-tit, nor yet another Pavement-a-like bunch, the DDD fit nowhere and could, in theory, appeal to all (except those with irrational fears of a perceived 'lack of competence' or 'bereftitude of slickness'). Artrocker are happy to be dispensed to." - Artrocker
"It’s cute, it’s cuddly, and it’s a little bit too twee in places, but it’s still a bit good." - Subbacultcha
"experimental twee-noise-pop... fuzzy guitars, crunchy vocals and occasionally jingling glockenspiels combined with his diverse influences ranging from Animal Collective to ABBA make for a fascinating listen... anyone who’s heard of No Age et al will know that the kids (me included) love this stuff." - Not Ed's Blog
"Luanqibazao was the best Irish album released this year. I think. Not many will agree... It's been tagged as no-fi. Incorrect. This is fi. It's pop-fi and it's smile-fi. It's gallop-fi and it's fist-fi. It's a selection of timeless pop moments run through a single adventurous, curious mind..." - So Cow